Somatic Reset
Self-Healing through Gentle Movement & Self-Massage Techniques
Incorporating Somatic movement techniques with the use of various therapy balls, we will explore, release and balance not only the muscular and connective tissue systems of the body, but also the nervous system. Somatics uses gentle contract/release movements to dissolve physical tension as well as emotions held in the body. Combining this practice with tools and techniques inspired by Jill Miller’s Roll Model/Body by Breath programs, we’ll explore vagus nerve toning (our primary regulator in the fight/flight vs. rest/digest response), breathwork, self-massage, gentle movement and stillness for a whole body reset, from the inside out.
This class is offered once a month at Shanti Yoga Center & Yoga Melrose
Class size is limited to 12 people.
Watch this video for a brief introduction to the practice.

Tools for
Somatic Reset
If you want to continue the self-care techniques learned in this class on your own (and I hope do!). I have the tools available for purchase at each class. Or you can use my affiliate links to purchase online:
Roll Model Starter Kit